Tuesday, December 16, 2008

psia level one

so i was not so sure about doing the psia level one exam, i thought that i wasnt going to learn much, that it was going to be full of people that dont take their skiing seriously and that it was going to be a waste of my time and money.

the good news:
i did learn quite a bit, i made a couple cool friends, and got to work on my skiing before the season really goes.

the not so exciting news:
it was full of a bunch of people that dont take their skiing seriously, it was expensive, and i am happy i did it.

The bottom line:
I passed with flying colors, whoda thunk? and am making the realization that people who are involved with organizations like psia on a high level (examiners, tech team, demo team) are nontheless passionate and talented athletes despite what their weekend warrior psia bretheren show us on the hill.

And i had a great time skiing the patches of deep pow that were steep enough to shred at Flatstar.

Heres a cool photo from the first sunny bit after the first storm----Perfect Timing?

and thanks to Jill for her help this week!

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